Saturday, September 17, 2011

the chum in your spouse...!!

Posted by Ankitalal at 4:03 AM 2 comments
its 3 am... insomnia hitting on me again! never mind!
well... had other ways of tackling this thief of my slumber... but chose to create this post...!
hope it helps!! :P

Do u ever miss the chum in your spouse? i guess most of us do!
at times, we feel we are not able to share things with our life partners the way we do with our buddies! we can't talk, laugh, cry ... in short, we find it difficult to be ourselves in front of our "special one"!! the reason behind it.... spending less time as friends... and getting into the relationship in haste.

Friendship is often the basis for a deeper kind of love, one that tends to be more long-term. In my opinion, that kind of chemistry lasts where the boy and the girl have been friends for quite long... have known each other well... seen all the aspects of each other's characters... have been with each other in their good & bad times!

So....... u'll never miss the chum in your spouse if u've found your spouse in your chum! :)

Its then when u feel like singing, "Tera mujhse hai pehle ka naata koi... yu hi nahi dil lubhaata koi... jaane tuuuuuuu, ya jaane naaaaaaa!!!"

If the sky above you should turn dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind should begin to blow,
keep your head together and call my name out loud.
Soon I will be knocking upon your door.
You just call out my name, and you know where ever I am
I'll come running to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call and I'll be there.


Even experts agree on the healthy survival rates of many friend-to-lover relationships.  All the time u're being friends, u're learning about each other. Subconsciously u're deciding whether u can take it further, from a friendship on to a more emotional level.

So so so... all single guys and girls out there..... if u start feeling for your best buddy, talk to them openly! like any relationship, good communication is the key to keep u both in good terms & regardless of the outcome... maintain your strong bond forever 'coz Rats & Meows are always meant to be together! :)


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