I love the word awesome… even if the likeness is
not that strong, I’ll still describe it as…”u know what, it was just AWESOME!!”
I talk 2 my mom about 4 times a day… since the day I’ve
left home, there hasn’t been a single day I haven’t talked 2 her…sharing even the silliest of the things! Love you mummy!
Whenever I do something… I have 101 reasons 2
prove myself right!
I may shout at the top of my voice if I get over
excited about something… so think twice before hanging out with me! :P
If you tickle me… then I’m not responsible for your
6. My close ones call me “overacting ki dukaan”… Jus pat on my shoulders & I’ll give u the
reaction of a bone getting fractured….. ahhhh mummmmaaaaaaaa!
Waiting for someone pisses me off a lot…!
I keep on wondering why God made “lizards”… the
world would have been definitely a better place without these creepy creatures!
Can’t live a day without talking to my best
friend… totally addicted to that moron… & fortunately, vice versa!!!
Too obsessed with anything and everything
related to marriages… from wedding dresses to wedding songs… from the mehendi
to the shehnai…!!!!!!!!
I cry over the smallest things… freaking people
around me (specially my roomie)… And the very next morning I’m like… “Why you
guys so serious???”
I love it when someone says, “u seem to have put
on a li’l weight”… My reaction to it…”Seriously??? Awww”
I swear to myself, every time I go out to buy
something, that I won’t even look at pink stuffs… No points for guessing it… yeah
I end up buying PINK… why God why???????????
My life is nuts… & I just love it that way!
nice to know....
thanx a ton DK :)
its always nice 2 hv a comment frm u! :)
“overacting ki dukaan”.......quite interesting and be cautious otherwise they may change it too “overacting ka Mall"......:))
Best wishes,
haha... thanx Irfan sir :)
Funny Facts! :)
hehehe :D
nice knowing about it...
thanks harshita :)
nice post.
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